
Why Your Marketing Agency Isn’t Growing

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For a fast-paced industry like marketing and advertising, a start-up’s probable expectation is to grow fast along with it. But what if reality kicks in and your growth expectations haven’t been met yet? Or if growth happens much slower than expected?

We understand the frustration. The pressure to build and grow something is a common experience for start-up managers and almost everyone working in the marketing agency. But don’t let it get to you! The fact that you’re looking this up means hope is still around. After all, stagnation is not the same as a termination.

Your marketing agency can still live up to its full potential if you learn from the possible factors in this list. Past startups have already made some mistakes, and, we venture to say that you’re wise enough not to fall victim to the following:

Flawed Growth Maps

They may sound like buzzwords when starting a business but growth strategies serve as backbones for building a business from scratch. There’s a reason why vision boards are crucial for success even in one’s everyday life. Those visions placed in carefully curated growth maps serve as a business’ guiding light to achieve its goals.

Growth maps, however, are not foolproof. There are occasions when these do not work as it gets tested out into the real world for reasons beyond the executives’ control.  The good news is that these aren’t set in stone. Companies can still tweak their growth maps if some elements do not work. Sadly, some are not open to that level of flexibility, lagging the business behind in the process.

Not Standing Out Against Competitors

It’s already been established that the marketing industry, as thriving as it is, is nearly bursting at the seams. In fact, the total global market size of the digital marketing space is projected to reach $786B by 2026. With a crowd like this, half of the battle would be to stand out.

That said, a start-up has to ensure that its Unique Selling Points (USPs) are well-laid out for its potential customers. Ensure that your best solutions and offerings are put up a front so the clientele can easily spot what they’re looking for. Narrowing down your USPs is also helpful in pinpointing your direct competitors and crafting the best strategies to go against them directly.

Limited Solutions and Offerings

While we pointed out previously that narrowing down your USPs help in standing out against your competitors, we’d still like to note that you can only narrow so much. Don’t push it to the point where you only get to limit your solutions for your potential market.

Point-solution marketing agencies are still a thing, and we’re courageous enough to say that they will not last. Agencies like these tend to get fewer customer bases with single-stream solutions as they have limited opportunities to cross-sell or upsell.

A full stack approach to providing solutions would also make your client base easier as it cuts time by only having one point of communication throughout the marketing process. Accessibility and convenience are two of the most overlooked elements in business strategies.

Zero Prioritization for Customer Loyalty

The statement “the customer is always right” seems to have lost its touch over the last few years. Let’s face it, though the saying somehow holds true, especially if you wish to grow your marketing business further. That said, we highly recommend opening your lines of communication for feedback. Take those into consideration when dealing with your clients moving forward.

It’s not guaranteed that even amounts of revenue will be delivered through one client or account, but loyal customers give assurance that a business has foundations to stand on. That’s why achieving agency-of-record status is a foolproof way of getting your company across. Loyal customers are also more susceptible to accepting upsells as your marketing agency proves its worth.

Having No Workflow Processes in Place

Efficient workflow management has been one of the most prioritized agency elements in recent years, especially since contemporary project management tools have proven their effectiveness. The likes of Asana, Trello, JIRA, and ClickUp positively impacted the growth of 65% of its reported clientele. So to fortify your business, it might be worth the time to revisit your workflow processes. 

Workflow management also involves other sorts of automation, like integrating SMS marketing tools into your protocols. In fact, SMS tools have come in quite handy in securing sales for those who ventured to incorporate these in their business processes. Integrating efficient SMS and email marketing solutions should also come in handy for startup owners in terms of time management and cost efficiency. Its users no longer need to have all lines of communication open all the time to attend to client queries.

Ringbot: Here to Ease Your Business Worries

Such tools like RingBot helps businesses thrive by providing one-stop SMS solutions. Having Ringbot in your team secures a steady workflow since you never miss out on client back-and-forths again. Not only is it built for response automation, but Ringbot also has solutions for marketing itself. 

RingBot comes with a no-frills free trial and responsive business reps that will let you customize your platform usage based on your business flow through effective automation, so start your free trial today!

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