
What the 2023 State of Business Texting Report Tells Us About the Future of Communication

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Business texting is on the rise, and with it comes a new era in communication. 

The 2023 State of Business Texting Report provides a wealth of data on how texting is being used and what this means for the future. 

The report reveals that texting is quickly becoming the preferred method of communication in the business world, with more companies than ever using texting as a way to connect with customers and colleagues alike. 

With its insights into the current and future state of business texting, the 2023 State of Business Texting Report offers invaluable insights into the future of communication.

Texting as a Preferred Method of Communication

67% of businesses have started using SMS marketing to get responses faster.

70% of people say SMS is the quickest way to contact them.

One of the key findings of the 2023 State of Business Texting Report is that texting has become a more preferred method of communication than communicating via phone. 

Specifically, more companies are using texting as a primary mode of communication. This is likely to be largely linked to the ease and simplicity of using texts as a communication channel. 

While most other forms of communication can be incredibly complicated for both the sender and receiver, texting can be used without needing any special skills. This makes it a popular choice for both CEOs and employees who need to communicate frequently and confidently. 

Texting has also seen significant growth in the number of different channels businesses use to communicate. This is likely to be linked to the ease with which businesses can use texting to communicate. 

As it is simple to set up a text channel, businesses can quickly and easily reach a wide range of contacts. This can make texting an effective channel for companies that communicate with many people regularly, such as banks, insurance providers, and other organizations that need to communicate frequently with customers.

Growing Use of Texting Automation

88% prefer to receive appointment scheduling SMS from businesses.

The growing use of texting automation is transforming the way businesses communicate with their customers. 

With the increasing demand for quick and convenient communication, more and more businesses are turning to text messaging to keep in touch with their customers. 

The 2023 State of Business Texting Report reveals that 88% of consumers prefer to receive appointment-scheduling texts from businesses, highlighting the effectiveness of texting automation in streamlining communication.

Texting automation is a powerful tool that allows businesses to send mass text messages to their customers promptly and efficiently. 

By automating the process of sending appointment reminders, businesses can save time and resources, while providing their customers with a convenient and reliable source of information. 

This not only enhances the customer experience but also improves the overall efficiency of the business.

Leveraging Business Texting to Connect with Customers

90% of consumers want to text a business.

84% prefer receiving texts from a business.

69% of people want to get text messages for bills and payment reminders.

The 2023 State of Business Texting Report highlights the increasing demand for text messaging to communicate between businesses and consumers, with 90% of consumers wanting to text a business and 84% preferring to receive texts from a business.

Business texting is an effective way to reach consumers and provide them with the information they need promptly and conveniently. 

Whether for payment reminders or promotions, text messaging allows businesses to communicate with their customers personally and directly. This helps build trust and strengthen the relationship between the business and its customers.

SMS Marketing Management is On the Rise

21% of business owners will try texting if someone will manage it for them.

The 2023 State of Business Texting Report reveals that 21% of business owners who do not currently text said they would be more likely to start if they had someone to manage it for them. 

This presents a significant opportunity for marketers to develop the skills needed to create successful SMS campaigns and workflows. 

Businesses today increasingly recognize the importance of text messaging as a means of communication with their customers. 

However, managing a successful texting campaign can be time-consuming and require specialized skills. This is where the assistance of a marketing professional can be invaluable. 

SMS marketing professionals with the skills and expertise to create and manage successful texting campaigns can help businesses to effectively leverage text messaging as a means of communication, build stronger relationships with their customers, and increase engagement.

It’s also an opportunity for businesses to invest in SMS marketing software platforms, like RingBot, to make their texting efforts more efficient and effective.

SMS marketing software platforms like RingBot are also likely to see increased demand as more businesses adopt text messaging. 

These platforms provide businesses with the tools they need to create and manage effective texting campaigns while at the same time reducing the amount of time and resources required to do so.

Never Miss Out on the Future of SMS Marketing with RingBot

Businesses need to be prepared for the impact that texting is having on their communication channels and need to ensure that their communications are now and will continue to be effective. 

The key to success is using messaging to connect with customers and team members, using automation when possible to increase efficiency, and tapping an SMS marketing software like RingBot for a more seamless SMS marketing experience.

Contact us today to learn more!

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